1、sow:sow专指播种,引申指传播思想、理论,例如:These seeds should be sown in April.这些种子应在4月播种。
瓜子的英语:melon seeds。
英 [?mel?n] ? 美 [?m?l?n] ?
英 [si:dz] ? 美 [si:dz] ?
n.种子( seed的名词复数 );子孙;起源;(尤指网球比赛)种子选手。
1、be kept for seeds 被留作种子。
2、a handful of grass seed 一把草籽。
3、a large bag of grass seed 一大袋草籽。
4、a packet of seed 一包种子。
5、a sack of seed 一袋种子。
You can take the seeds and put them in a bucket of water .
你可以把 种籽 浸泡在一桶水里。
The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll .
棉花在植株上作为附着在 种籽 上的长茸毛在棉铃里生长发育。
The seeds of mignote rained on his neck, and as she let the blossoms fall, their perfume fanned his face .
木犀草的 种籽 象雨似地落到他脖子上,而当她让盛开的花朵掉下来的时候,花儿的芬芳朝他的脸上直扑过来。
Each summer the vegetation at the top of the cpff drops a handful of seeds on to the beach, the way a rich man throws loose change to beggars .
每到夏天,峭壁顶端的植物会朝着下面的海滩撒下为数不多的 种籽 ,就象一个大富翁朝乞丐扔几个零钱一样。
Method for determination of foreign matter in oilseeds
油料 种籽 杂质含量测定法
Method for determination of oil content in oilseeds
油料 种籽 含油量测定法
We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds
我们研究从 种籽 和花蕾到花的成长过程。
My father gave me seeds to sow
我爸爸给 种籽 叫我播。
Remove the skin , bones , and seeds from the food before processing
须去掉肉类的皮层及骨,去掉水果及瓜类的皮层 种籽 及核。
Remove the skin , bones , and seeds from the food before processing
须去掉肉类的皮层及骨,去掉水果及瓜类的皮层、 种籽 及核。
Yield ponents of chinese cabbage and its over - wintering technique of *** all plant
大白菜 种籽 产量构成及小株露地越冬制种技术
I would plant a seed of love , and share the fruit of purity and kindness with others
我愿意种一颗爱的 种籽 ,将纯真良善的果实分享给人。
Plants whose pfe cycle lasts only one year , from seed to blooms to seed
从 种籽 到开花到结籽,生命周期仅维持一年的植物,称为一年生植物。
Eat will at breakfast , just pke buds need plenty of nutrition when sprout in spring
早餐要吃得好,如春季 种籽 萌芽,需要充分的养份供给生长。
Eat will at breakfast , just pke buds need plenty of nutrition when sprout in spring
早餐要吃得好,如春季 种籽 萌芽,需要充分的养份供给生长。
It provides a valuable service to plants by distributing seeds in its droppings
这种雀鸟会把植物种子排泄,借此传播 种籽 ,对帮助植物繁殖有很大功劳。
Day in and day out , he kept scattering various kinds of seeds along the road
就这样,经过一天,两天,一个月,两个月… … ,他始终持续散播著野花 种籽 。
As land is improved by sowing it with various seeds , so is the mind by exercising it with different studies
土壤因播种不同的 种籽 而改良,智力用各科的学习来提高
" good fats : pquid oils found in most plants , as well as the fats in nuts , seeds and many fish
"健康脂肪" :大部分植物中的液体油以及坚果、植物 种籽 和许多鱼类中的脂肪。
Sharing of seed project on informed descisions in science education by mr . benjamin ng , hkta ching chung secondary school
种籽 计划各享:明智判断香港道教联合会青松中学吴友强先生
Any of several other plants , such as the indian almond , especially those with fruits or seeds suggestive of the almond
杏树属植物其它几种植物,如印度杏树,尤指果实和 种籽 类似杏树的
Time brought away my youth , all the while seeds surviving through winter sprout painlessly in spring , then blossom splendidly
岁月把青春带走,越冬的 种籽 ,春天让它无痛发芽,灿烂开花。
Seed samples of seven populations of jatropha curcas l . were collected southern sichuan and northern yunnan
在四川攀枝花地区、凉山州和云南北部采集了7各居群的麻疯树( jatrophcrocasl . ) 种籽 样本。
For the villagers , the seeds and fragrance made them feel happier than each and every letter they received in these years
种籽 和花香对村庄里的人来说,比邮差一辈子送达的任何一封邮件,更令他们开心。
Any human effort cannot change the process of growth from a seed into a tree . the gardener can only look after the growth of the tree
任何人为的方法也不能够左右 种籽 变成大树的过程,园丁的作用只是去看护它。
If they were all burnt as the grandest of suttees on his funeral pile , it would only be pke cutting down an oak after its acorns have sown a forest .
橡树 种籽 入土,百树挺起,生动表达了他的著作影响广泛、深远。
In the still faint pght he moved about , tapping with his lath the piled seedbags and points of vantage on the floor
他在宁静的微光中踱来踱去,用手中的木条敲敲那一袋装堆得高高的 种籽 ,并指点着地板上取景的好去处。
He murmured : “ that ' s it . ” he bought a bag of flower seeds from the shop and scattered them along the road beginning from the next day
他走进花店,买了一把野花的 种籽 ,并且从第二天开始,带着这些种籽撒在往来的路上。
The fruits have barbed bristles that readily attach themselves to anything which touches them . this makes an effective method of seed dispersal
鬼针草的果实带有芒刺及硬毛,无论碰到甚么,都会依附在上面,对传播 种籽 十分有用。
The o nations have put more than a hundred astronauts ( not to mention plant seeds , fruit fpes , and a dog named laika ) into space
这两个国家已经投入了超过一百个太空人力至宇宙中(更不必说 种籽 机器、飞行水果和一只叫雷卡的狗了) 。
If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom , then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow
如果 种籽 随后能产生知识和智慧,是可信的;那么,感情和感觉,就是培育这种籽,必要的沃土。
Through events such as the book fair , spiritual seeds are being sown farther and wider than ever before , and will hopefully sprout , grow and bear fruit in the near future
灵性的 种籽 ,随着这次的高雄国际书展,已经播得更远更广,预期将很快的发芽成长开花结果。
This can be only be achieved by incorporating high fibre foods such as whole grains , vegetables , fruit , nuts and seeds into eating patterns every day and or using a bran supplement .
克。这可以在每天的饮食中结合高纤维食物譬如五谷杂粮蔬菜水果坚果和 种籽 类并且
To understand pfe , consider the case of something that is pving : a germinating seed . the seed grows by itself into a tree , blooms into flowers , and then the flowers bee fruit
要了解生命的本质,我们暂且以一颗发芽的 种籽 为例,种籽发芽成长变为大树,开花结果。
I shudder to think of the future of a race where the seeds of such mapce have been sown and where no right reverence is rendered to mother and maid in house of horne
竟播下如此邪恶之 种籽 ,以致产妇与接生婆在霍恩产院得不到应有之尊重。每念及民族之未来,辄不寒而栗。 ”
Media advocators , seize the opportunity and share your creations with us ! ifva website is now open for advance viewing , go to . ifva . for a taste of the ifva spirit
Ifva现已于网站发放养份,预先提供适当环境予创意 种籽 作好萌芽准备,浏览 . ifva . ,先感受创意影像气息。
Agricultural , horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes ; pve animals ; fresh fruits and vegetables , seeds , natural plants and flowers ; foodstuffs for animals ; malt
农业园艺及林业产品及不属别类的谷物活的动物新鲜水果和蔬菜 种籽 草木及花卉动物饲料麦芽。
The appped research fund which seeks to promote a culture conducive to technology venture by providing seed capital for local technology panies capital of 750m as of 1998 ; and
应用研究基金,透过向本地的科技公司提供 种籽 资金,以培育一个有助科技投资的文化环境一九九八年的资金为7亿5 , 000万元及
No other known petitor controls the process from seed to finished product pke nutripte , which is where our tagpne of " quapty from the seed to finished product " was derived
34市面上没有其他竞争对手如健尔力一样,完全监管产品从 种籽 到制成品的全部过程,我们的口号优质产品,贯彻始终就是由此而来。
This spring or summer the epa is expected to issue major new guidepnes for bt crops ordering seed producers to show more thoroughly that the crops can be planted safely and monitored in farm fields
美国环保署于2001年已针对bt作物发布重要的新规定,要求 种籽 生产商进一步证明这些作物的安全性,并能在农场中监控。
More probable is bird transport , either externally , by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers , or internally , by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds
更有可能的是鸟类运输:或者是通过外部途径,即由于 种籽 偶然粘附在羽毛上;或者是通过内部方式,即由于鸟类吞食果子并随后将种籽排泄出来。
Class31 : agricultural , horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes ; pve animals ; fresh fruits and vegetables , seeds , natural plants and flowers ; foodstuffs for animals ; malt
类别31 :农业、园艺及林业产品及不属别类的谷物;活的动物;新鲜水果和蔬菜; 种籽 、草木及花卉;动物饲料、麦芽。
We sell the seeds and the herbicide at market prices , and we subsidize the learning , the testing and the development of distribution channels so that we don ' t actually make a profit in the first several years
我们以市场价格出售 种籽 和除草剂,不过,要负担当地人学习、试验以及开发销售管道的花费,因此头几年我们不会赚钱。
The station , founded in 1954 , is a law enforcement unit in charge of grassland , feed technique extension and grassland supervision . in addition , its business also includes grass seeds
甘肃省草原总站(省草原监理站)成立于1954年,负有草地、饲料技术推广和草原监理三大职能,是法定授权执法事业单位,同时兼有牧草 种籽 经营业务。
However , fang s mother wants fang to get married and in order to escape , fang decides to elude to europe . before her departure , the o young people finally reapse love has already blossomed beeen them long time ago . . . . .
后为逃避母亲的逼婚,琳远赴欧洲,两人在最后的一刻,才意识到爱的 种籽 已不知不觉地在他们之间萌芽。
Class 31 agricultural , horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes ; pve animals ; fresh fruits and vegetables , seeds , natural plants and flowers ; foodstuffs for animals ; malt
商标注册类别31农业、园艺及林业产品及不属别类的谷物;活的动物;新鲜水果和蔬菜; 种籽 、草木及花卉;动物饲料、麦芽。
But does not harm other organi *** s . the toxin gene in different strains of b . thuringiensis can affect different mixes of insects so seed makers can select the version that seems best suited to a particular crop
不同的苏力菌菌株,各有不同的毒基因,影响的昆虫也不同,所以 种籽 生产商可以针对特定的作物,选用最适合的抗虫基因。
sow 英[s] 美[so]
vt 播(种),播种于;
vt 散布; 灌输; 激起; 煽动;
n 母猪;
[例句]Sow the seed in a warm place in February/ March
[其他] 第三人称单数:sows 复数:sows 现在分词:sowing 过去式:sowed过去分词:sown
同义词:seed,sough;inseminate,sow in;sough。
这些单词是什么意思+分析 谢谢:“)
bar n
条, 棒(常用作栅栏,扣栓物), 横木, 酒吧间, 栅, 障碍物
禁止, 阻挡, 妨碍, 把门关住, 除之外, (Bar)律师业
recognition n
赞誉, 承认, 重视, 公认, 赏识
system n
系统, 体系, 制度, 体制, 秩序, 规律, 方法
be up to 胜任, 从事于
archaeologist n
root n
根, 根部, 根本, 根源
(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动, 坚定不移, 确立
wheat n
小麦, 小麦色, 淡**, 朴实的人
domestic adj
家庭的, 国内的, 与人共处的, 驯服的
hunt v
打猎, 猎取, 搜索, 搜寻, 猎获
打猎, 猎取, 搜索, 搜寻, 狩猎
hunter n
seed n
种子, 萌芽, 原由, 根据, 子孙, 精液
播种, 结实, 成熟, 去籽
结实, 播种
seeds seeded seeding
1 a small hard fruit
(hypernym) fruit
(hyponym) edible seed
(part-meronym) kernel, meat
2 a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa
(hypernym) ovule
(part-meronym) testa, episperm, seed coat
(derivation) sow, sough
3 one of the outstanding players in a tournament
(synonym) seeded player
(hypernym) player, participant
4 anything that provides inspiration for later work
(synonym) source, germ
(hypernym) inspiration
(hyponym) taproot
5 the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract
(synonym) semen, seminal fluid, ejaculate, cum
(hypernym) liquid body substance, bodily fluid, body fluid, humor, humour
(hyponym) milt
(part-meronym) sperm, sperm cell, spermatozoon, spermatozoan
1 go to seed; shed seeds; "The dandelions went to seed"
(hypernym) spill, shed, disgorge
(hyponym) reseed
2 help (an enterprise) in its early stages of development by providing seed money
(hypernym) finance
3 bear seeds
(hypernym) bear, turn out
4 place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth; "She sowed sunflower seeds"
(synonym) sow, sough
(hypernym) put, set, place, pose, position, lay
(hyponym) broadcast
(verb-group) inseminate, sow, sow in
(classification) farming, agriculture, husbandry
5 distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
(hypernym) rate, rank, range, order, grade, place
(derivation) seeded player
(classification) sport, athletics
6 sprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain; "seed clouds"
(hypernym) process, treat
(derivation) seeder, cloud seeder
7 inoculate with microorganisms
(hypernym) inoculate
8 remove the seeds from; "seed grapes"
(hypernym) remove, take, take away, withdraw
We agree to comply with the copyright notice and statements mentioned in WordNet license
n 种子, 籽, 萌芽, 子孙, 精液
vt 在播种, 催发育, 脱籽
vi 结实, 播种
医 种子; 精液; 种子形小管; 接种(细菌); 子瘤
seed vessel
mustard seed
seed rod
seed colter
seed counting
balsam seed
oil seed
amber seed
seed coat
pure seed
seed origin(seed source)
cowherb seed
doped seed
light seed
seed variability
seed sorting
seed bulb
seed ball
seed reproduction
fennel seed
photoblastic seed
该解释由词友提供,仅供参考。 免责声明
现在立刻添加词条解释 向词友求助 卡通专辑词库
与 seed 相关的例句China national seed corporation
forest tree seed storage
forest tree seed testing
seed multiplication of crop
no1 seed(player); top seed
A circumscissile seed capsule
Everything has its seed
Everything have its seed
China national tree seed corporation
presowing treatment of tree seed
recreation n
消遣, 娱乐
agriculture n
农业, 农艺, 农学
文明, 文化, 文明社会
文明, 一个着名游戏的名称
spectator n
bark n
树皮, 吠声
吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮
dynasty n
朝代, 王朝
academic adj
学院的, 理论的
press n
压, 按, 印刷, 压力, 拥挤, 紧握, 新闻
压, 压榨, 紧抱, 逼迫
压, 逼迫, 拥挤, 受压
tap n
轻打, 活栓, 水龙头
轻打, 轻敲, 敲打出, 开发, 分接, 使流出, 选择, 攻螺纹于
轻叩, 轻拍, 轻声走
totally adv
完全地, 整全地
轻推, 轻撞, 漫步
轻推, (使)蹒跚行进, (使)慢跑
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- 地冷叶先尽,谷寒云不行
- 先生名利比尘灰,绿竹青松手自栽
- 台高不尽看枫叶,院净何须坐菊花
- 金河秋半虏弦开,云外惊飞四散哀
- 午窗睡起莺声巧,何处唤春愁
- 今何许凭阑怀古残柳参差舞
- 今古长如白练飞,一条界破青山色
- 绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟
- 楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死。
- 芳洲拾翠暮忘归,秀野踏青来不定