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  作者:   古诗文网   类别:    知识     发布时间:  2024-03-02    点击:  457 次







Casually: 随意地,漫不经心地;临时地;偶然地

Groundwork: 基础;地基,根基

Joey: Just? casually ?slip it in. You know, Lay the? groundwork .




Ross:? For crying out loud!




Paleontology: 古生物学

Ross: I was wondering, is it possible to increase sesecurity in the? paleontology ?section?




Sanctity: 圣洁;尊严;神圣不可侵犯性

Ross: If I’m the only person with any appreciation of the? sanctity ?of the written word, then I’ll go defend it myself.




Stood…up: 放某人鸽子

Janice: I just cannot believe that Clark? stood ?me? up .




Dwarf : 小矮人;侏儒,矮子;矮星

Rachel: I guess it wasn’t Cupid that brought her here.

Phoebe: No. Just a regular old flying? dwarf .






Californicus: 剑齿虎

Ross: Perhaps, Dr Chester Slocker’s? musings? on the Smilodon? californicus ?




Brush up: 复习;提高;擦光

Evolution: 进化(论);演变,发展;(气体的)释放,(热量的)散发;队形变换 < 旧 > 开方

Progressionist: 社会进步论者;改革论者

Ross: Meeting someone? Or are you just here to brush up? on Merriam’s view on? evolution ?

Someone: Actually, I find Merriam’s views far too progressionist .





Hotbed : (尤指不良事物、活动的)温床

Electromagnetic : 电磁的

Immunize : (常指通过注射疫苗)使免疫

Chandler: Our apartment is a? hotbed? for? electromagnetic ?activity. Monica and I have been? immunized ,but sadly you have not.




Hypoallergenic : 低变应原的,低敏感性

Nasal : 鼻的;(嗓音,话语)带鼻音的;(语音)鼻音的

Janice: I’m gonna need a comforter. Do you have a? hypoallergenic? one? Because otherwise I get very? nasal .




Pooper : 扫兴的人; 大浪

Janice: Monica, I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him, And Chandler, you call me when this goes in the? pooper .




1. ditch 做名词用是指地上的沟; 做动词to ditch表示要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一个不想再呆的地方。It's too noisy. Let's ditch this place.

 2. hit the spot 感到过瘾,觉得很痛快。比如你肚子饿了,吃得心满意足,就可以说That food really hit the spot.

 3. big gun 大人物,对决策有重大影响的人The company's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report.

 4. quarterback 本意是美式足球的四分卫,做动词在可以表示"主持会议,或总管项目"The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.

 5. lame 无聊,没意思,或者不合适的

 Don't give me any lame excuses next time I want to do something!

 6. shot 是指什么东西坏了,或者人体的某个部位受伤了

 I think my engine is shot. This is not good.

 7. damage 是指为某样东西或某个交易付的钱, 通常用"bad/not bad"来表示价钱高低

 The damage for renting the car is pretty bad.

 8. choke 糟糕,失败的意思

 I think New York is going to lose. Knowing them, their going to choke.

 9. money 保持高水平,非常棒的意思

 Yao Ming is money.

 10. hard headed =stubborn 顽固,固执

 11. drained =exhausted 非常累

 You are full of energy. But I'm drained, I'm going to sleep.

 12. wired 一 精力充沛.

 After the next cup of coffee, I think I'm going to be pretty wired.

 13. kick back 休息,和某人一起玩

 It's a good time to just kick back and relax.

 14. one track mind 意思是脑子里光想一件事

 Geez, you have such a one track mind sometimes.

 15. ticked off 为了什么事情生气

 Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won't do you any good.

 16. close call 差一点没发生的倒霉的事,或是差一点完不成的该做的事

 17. goof off (年轻人)一些无聊的事开玩笑

 No more goofing off!

 18. poop ——To defecate 拉屎

 昨天Fox台the 55th Emmy Awards Ceremony上,就有人说pooped his pants

 19. liplock 接吻 Madonna 和 Britney 那个French kiss大家都看见了吧

 20. snoozer——something tedious or boring 使人打瞌睡的东西

 21. sour-puss——A habitually gloomy or sullen person 扑克脸

 22. toss-up—— even chance 原意为抛硬币,引申为“对半开的机会”

 It is a toss-up whether he will win or lose.

 23. pratfall——a comedy fall upon one's buttocks *蹲儿

 24. poofter/pooftah/poufer: (Derogatory) 1. a male homo***ual. 2. an effeminate male. ——adjective 3. homo***ual. 对男同性恋的贬称,尤其是对sissy的男同,我看过一个澳大利亚**Head On,里面一个被激怒的的父亲对女装打扮的儿子就用了这个词儿。同意词还有pansy

 25. party animal: 1. a person who parties hard. 2. a person who is always going to parties. 派对动物

 26. party pooper: a person who has a discouraging or depressing effect, especially at a party. 冷场人物

 27. on the money 正正好。比如说,两条线正好重叠,扔出去的东西击中目标等。

 28. sabbatical 这个不太是俚语。通常指老师或教授的带薪的长假。

 29. nerd

 If you call someone a nerd, it means you think he is weird and not cool.

 A typical nerd is someone who wears glasses and carries a lot of books.

 As a matter of fact, when I was growing up, a lot of kids called me a nerd because I didn't fit in.

 30. cheesy 就是很俗气,质量很次,很愚蠢。人们经常用cheesy 这个词来形容电视节目,**或者某个人说的话。

 Cheesy means tacky or dumb. It's usually used to describe a TV show, movie, or something someone says.

 I think the new TV soap opera on Channel 6 is so cheesy. It is fake and the things they say on the shows are so weird. I don't know why these shows are so popular.

 31. wimp 软弱的人,胆小鬼,或者是怕痛的人

 A wimp is a weak person, a coward, or someone who can't take pain.

 32. guts 勇气

 You only had enough guts today because I was here to support you. Usually you are a wimp!

 33. take a hike ——to tell someone to leave, or to tell someone to leave you alone.

 If I were you, I would have told him to take a hike.

 34. blow off——取消约会,或者是不做自己不想做的事

 Bob and I did make plans to go out last night. But he blew me off. He decided to go out with his girlfriend. It wasn't the first time he blew me off.

 There are some things in life you just shouldn't blow off.

 35. uptight——tense, irritable, or unable to relax.

 Sometimes if I feel a bit uptight, I have a few beers. That helps me relax.

 36. busted ——做坏事被抓到

 The police just busted someone for trying to steal my neighbor's car.

 37. creeep ——A creep is someone who looks and acts in a way that makes people suspicious and uncomfortable.

 He was always frowning, and wouldn't say hello to people. That's one reason I thought he was a creep.

 38. wasted——喝得大醉

 Last night a friend and I went out to a bar and got wasted, so I don't feel very good right now.

 We were so wasted that we couldn't even stand up straight.

 39.to get a kick out of something——为某件事感到很高兴

 I said you get a kick out of watching me suffer. That means, you enjoy watching me suffer.

 40. chill/chill out =relax 放松,休息

 Glad class is over! I'm ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.





 John, apologize to her.约翰,向他道歉

 I'm really sorry.

 John, you listen to me! --I don't want to.约翰,你听我说.

 Mom, watch!

 Watch out! Don't play with that thing.


 Can you fix my bicycle?

 Do it yourself. /Do it by yourself.


 Do it for yourself.

 I'm going to give up.

 You should finish what u start. 别半途而废.

 Don't leave things half done.

 You failed the exam again.

 I'm ready to throw in the towel. 我认输了 .

 It's your duty to do that.


 It's up to you to do that.

 It's your responsibility.

 Be good to others.要善待他人.

 Do unto others as you would have done to you.*正式的说法。

 You should treat others kindly.

 Do unto others.

 You can't be too careful. 你要再三小心

 That's true.

 It's best to be as safe as possible.

 It's better safe than sorry.

 Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully. 下决心(三思而后行)

 Make your decision after you give it a lot of thought.

 Think it over carefully before u decide.

 I'm counting on you.我全靠你了

 I'm relying on you.

 I don't think she's mean.我没觉得她有什么恶意

 You'll see. 你终究会明白的。

 You'll find out soon enough.

 Time will tell. 时间会证明一切。

 Calm down and think carefully.冷静


 We need to know who's buying our products.

 That's the most important thing.


 That's the name of the game.

 Don't bite off more than you can chew. 人要有自知之明.

 Don't attempt more than u r capable of.

 There isn't much merit in doing so. 价值(这是做起来没有太大价值.)

 There is no reason to do so.

 I don't see the point of doing that.

 What you need is a little more effort.


 You should put a little more effort into it.

 You should try a little harder.

 Respect yourself. 有点自尊心吧!

 I don't think I can do it.

 I hope u'll be more positive overall.积极的(我希望你事事要积极.)

 I hope you'll be more positive in every way.

 I wish you'd be more positive.

 U should be more optimistic.积极的,乐观

 If u practice hard, u'll get a gold medal.

 That's easy for you to say. 你说得容易。

 There's no reason for complaints. 抱怨

 There is no reason to complain.你发什么牢骚.There is nothing to complain about.

 Did you pass the exam?

 How did you know?

 It's written all over your face. 你脸上都写着呀

 It's obvious.

 I can see it in your eyes.

 It's natural for me to get angry.当然自然会..(我当然会生气了)

 Why shouldn't I be angry?

 I have a right to be upset!

 My reaction is completely appropriate.

 Are you sure about it?

 I'm telling you this from my experience


 Let me offer you some advice. From my experience...

 Can't you think of it differently?


 Can't you look at it another way?

 Can't you think of it in a different way?

 Just think of it!好好想想.

 Just imagine.

 The newspapers say that the yen will go up soon .

 Don't trust it. /Trust it.不要轻信.

 Be cautious. 请慎重 /Be careful.

 I'm so gullible. 易受骗的,轻信的


 We don't need to worry about him.

 Don't underestimate him. 别小看他.

 You shouldn't underestimate his abilities.

 He is better than you think.

 That's the name of the game. 那是最重要的!

 I can't make any exceptions for you.

 We can't give you any special treatment.

 I can't make an exception for you. 我不能对你特殊.

 I don't know how to do it.

 Use your head!动动脑子. You can do it.

 My boss scolded me today.

 You asked for it! You didn't finish your report on time again. 自作自受,活该

 My boss criticized my sloppy personal appearance. 穿得邋遢

 Well, if the shoe fits, wear it. 如果批评得对,你就接受吧。


 Let me give you a piece of advice.


 Let me tell you something.

 I think you should know...

 Watch out! 小心!

 Thanks! You saved my life.

 Look out! /Be careful! /Heads up!

 You'd better be careful!

 Please be careful!

 You should be careful!

 You should watch out!

 Watch your step!注意脚下 --Oh, yeah? Why?

 Mind your step.

 Be careful where you walk.

 Look where you're going.

 Hold on to me tight. 抓紧我/ Hold me tightly.

 Don't let go! 别松手!

 Watch out for him! 要提防着点儿他!

 Be careful of him. /Keep ur eye on him.

 That sounds easy.

 Well, there's a little catch. 可是,有点蹊跷、有陷阱、有圈套

 There's something to it.这里有点蹊跷

 It's not as easy as it sounds.

 Think twice before you do it. 三思而后行

 Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV.动作轻点.轻拿轻放

 Don't worry. I won't.

 Gently. /Be careful.

 It's my first time,

 please go easy on me. 手下留情、对..留有余地

 Alright, I'll try.

 I think I've got the job. Let's celebrate!

 Let's not jump the gun.为时过早,操之过急,抢跑(别操之过急)

 Let's not be too hasty.

 Let's not rush into things.

 Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

 I bought four dozen eggs. 打

 Let's not go overboard. 过火、过度(别做的过火)

 Let's not go too far. /Let's not be extreme.

 Let's wait and see how things go.


 Let's wait and see.

 So, I think she's pregnant. 怀孕

 Don't jump to conclusions! 过早下结论


 Don't prejudge it! 别凭想像判断。

 Don't make assumptions! 主观臆断

 Don't get the wrong idea.

 Don't be selfish 别那么自私. /Don't be self-centered.

 Don't be egotistical.

 Your work is always inconsistent. 不一致的、不稳定的(你的工作边线总是不稳定)

 Your work is always erratic.

 Your work is always patchy.

 Your work is always uneven.

 You shouldn't spend money foolishly.


 You should try to be thriftier. 节约

 U shouldn't spend ur money like water.

 You shouldn't waste your money.

 You have an attitude problem.你的态度太恶劣了.

 Who are you to say that?

 I don't like your attitude.

 You have a bad attitude.

 You need to readjust your attitude.

 Don't be so naughty. 顽皮、淘气


 Don't do such naughty things.

 Don't be so bad.

 Behave yourself! 有点礼貌!

 Hold it down! 请安静

 Be quiet! /Keep it down! /Keep it quiet!

 Silence! *用于学校老师对学生。

 Turn it down! 关小声音

 Hush! /Shh. 嘘!安静!

 It's too noisy. 太吵了/It's too loud.

 I'm going to dance.

 Don't make a fool of yourself. 别丢人现眼

 Don't play the fool.

 Don't make an ass out of yourself. 驴

 Stop acting like a fool.

 Think about where you are. 分清场合

 You should consider where you are.

 How do you like my new red skirt?

 Act your age. 你也不看看你多大了。

 You should act your age.

 Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age!

 You should behave more maturely. 成熟

 You shouldn't act like a child.

 Your view is too optimistic.你想得也太天真了

 You should get your head out of the clouds. 你的想法太不实际了

 Maybe you're right. I should try to be more down-to-earth. 现实、实际

 You aren't being realistic.

 You should be more logical.

 Don't make such stupid mistakes again! *make a mistake ?出错?。


 I won't, I won't.

 You should be more careful!

 Don't make dumb mistakes again!

 Don't be stuck-up. 骄傲自满、自高自大


 Don't be so pompous. 自负的、华而不实

 Don't be such a snob. 势利

 Don't act like you're better than I am.

 Don't flatter yourself so much. *flatter oneself 骄傲自满、得意洋洋

 He's so short.

 Listen, don't judge a book by its cover.

 He was the best basketball player in California last year.

 Never judge something by its looks.

 Appearances are deceiving.

 Don't form an opinion about something based on appearance alone.

 Hey, you, asshole! 你这个混蛋!

 Watch your tongue. 说话留点神儿

 Watch your language. /Watch ur mouth.

 Be careful of what you say.

 Don't use bad language.

 Follow the rules. 要遵守规则

 You're the one not following the rules.

 Don't violate rules. / Don't break the rules.

 Don't violate regulations.

 Stop goofing off! 别偷懒!

 You should make sth out of yourself! /Get a life! /Don't be a bum!

 Get a job! 去找个工作。

 Grow up!

 Do as I said! 照我说的做 /Do what I said.

 Do what I tell you to do!

 Don't say bad things about others.


 Don't speak ill of others.

 Don't speak bad about other people.

 I'm sorry, I can't do that.

 Don't go back on your word! 别食言。

 Don't break your promise.

 You should keep your word.

 Don't take on more than you can.


 Don't take on more than you can handle.

 Don't be rude! 别那么粗鲁. /Don't be impolite!

 You're fired! 你别开除了!/Man, u're out of here. *严厉

 I have to sack u. /I have to let u go.*温和

 I don't want to be a leader.

 Be a man! 像个男子汉!/Be strong!

 Don't be a wimp! 别那么窝囊/懦弱!

 Don't be a chicken! 别当胆小鬼。

 Don't talk boastfully. 自吹自擂

 Don't brag. /Don't boast.

 You should be more modest. 谦虚

 Please don't disappoint me. 请别让我失望.

 Please don't let me down.

 Don't flirt with girls/boys!引诱、挑逗


 I was just being friendly.我只是表示友好

 Don't make eyes at her/him! 眉来眼去

 Don't complain and do as you are told.


 Do what I tell you to do without complaining.

 Make it snappy! 快!、干脆点儿!

 Step on it! 麻利点,利索点!/Hurry it up! / Be quick!

 Get a move on! /Move it! /Snap to it.


 It's all your fault!

 Don't blame me, 别把责任推给我.I'm innocent.

 Don't say it's my fault.

 Don't put the blame on me.

 Don't accuse me.

 You're to blame. 这是你的过错。

 Why me? 怎么是我?

 It's your fault.

 We will not take your illness into consideration.

 Put yourself in my shoes.你站到我的立场上想想.

 Try to see it from my point of view.

 Try to see it my way.

 Aren't you ashamed of yourself?


 How do you live with yourself?

 You should be ashamed of yourself.

 I'll give him a piece of my mind.

 *give...a piece of...'s mind 严厉批评


 I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying!

 I don't blame you.

 I'd like you to lie for me.

 Please don't involve me!

 I don't want to get involved.

 I got in trouble for lying.

 I told you so. 我早就说过了吧You shouldn't lie.

 See, I told you so.

 There now, didn't I tell you?

 You should have listened to me.

 My son stopped going to school.

 You knew that, didn't you? 你知道的吧?

 It is as if I had done something wrong.


 It's as if it's my fault. /It's as if I'm to blame.

 It's like I did something wrong.

 He chickened out at the last moment.


 Don't take it out on me. 冲?发火


 Don't take your frustration out on me.

 Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day.

 I didn't do anything wrong!

 Pay up! 还我钱.Pay your debt! /Pay me back!

 Give me my money now!

 Can you wait till next month?

 You'll pay for this. 你会为此付出的

 You're out of your mind! 你疯啦!

 You're off your rocker. /You're nuts.

 You shouldn't say things like that


 Don't say stuff like that.

 It's for your own good!这可全是为了你

 I don't want to.

 It's for your own good!

 It's for your own benefit.

 It's for your own sake.

 You've got an ugly tie on.

 Why are you picking on me? 责备、挑刺(你为什么老是挑我的刺)

 He always finds fault with my work.挑剔(他对我的工作总是挑剔)


 Hold it! /Stop! /Cut it out! 等等!、停下!

 Hold it! It's time for lunch.

 It's about time. 总算到点了。

 Knock it off! *俚语,安静!、别动!

 Wait! You forgot your umbrella.

 Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.

 Wait a minute, please!

 Just a minute, please!

 Hold on! /Give me a minute!

 Uh-uh-uh! Leave the cake alone.别动!别动..

 I want it. 可我想吃。

 Don't do that! 别干那事/Stop it! /Stop that!

 Why are you doing that?

 你干嘛要干那种事. --Why not?

 Please line up! 请排队!

 Please make a line. /Please form a line.

 Don't cut in line! /Don't cut! 别插队

 Get in line! /Get to the end of the line!

 Please go to the end of the line.

 Sorry about that.

 Don't push! /Quit pushing! 别推!

 Don't shove!

 Get your hands off me! /Don't touch me!

 Don't call me names! 骂人、说脏话


 I didn't call you names.

 Don't be a blabber mouth! 别多嘴多舌的.

 Don't blab this to anyone!

 Mum's the word! 别声张!*mum沉默、哑

 Don't be so talkative! 多嘴的、好说话的

 Don't tell anyone my secret!

 Keep your lips sealed.

 Keep it out of sight. 要做得不露痕迹

 Okay. I'll try.

 I don't want anyone to see it.

 I don't want to see it ever again.

 Hi! That's a nice jacket.

 Stay away from me. 离我远点! /Stay away!

 Get out of here!

 Leave me alone.

 Drop the gun,放下枪/ no funny stuff!不许耍花样.

 Anything you say. 照你说的做

 I'm going to call the police.

 You stay out of this! /Don't get involved!

 Mind your own business! /Stay out of it!

 I'll finish the decorations for you.

 Okay, but Don't ruin it. *破坏、糟蹋


 Don't be a party pooper. *party pooper原指使宴会扫兴的人

 Stop fighting.别打架 --But he hit me first.


 Hey, you, freeze! 别动!

 Duck! 卧倒、蹲下

 You have to duck down here.得躲到这儿来

 Hands up! 举起手来/Put your hands up! /Hands in the air!

 Don't move! 不许动 /Don't make a move!

 You listen to me!照我说的做 /Do as I said!

 Get down! 趴下!

 Stay where you are!站住! /Halt! /

 Hold it! 站住!

 Move on! /Move! /Let go!

 On your knees! 跪下!

 Let go of me! 放手!

 Run for your lives! 快逃吧!

 Let's get out of here!

 Stop him/ her! 阻止他/截住她

 Can it! /Shut up! 闭嘴!

 Stand back! / Step back! 后退!

 Cut it out! /Stop it! 算了吧!

 You're under arrest. *逮捕

 Spread'em! *是指Spread them手脚分开

 Heads up! 小心!危险!

 Look out! /Watch out!

 Drop it! 放下!

 Get your hands off! 拿开你的手!

 Stay down! 趴下!

 Get lost! 快溜吧!

 Get out of here! 滚出去

 Back off! *闪开!

 Go away! 走远点儿!

 Leave me alone!



Dishappy guests.

A wet blanket 。

不想参加活动,还喜欢破坏别人欢乐的气氛,英文里把这种“煞风景、扫人兴的人”叫做 party pooper.

例:I hate to be a party pooper, but I am really tired.


扫兴 feel disappointed ; have one's spirit dampened ; anticlimax ; disappointm。



The Blanket一条毛毯 ; 一床双人毛毯 ; 毛毯 ; 详细翻译

drainage blanket排水砂层 ; 疏水层 ; 排水层 ; 排水垫层

PRINTING BLANKET印花衬布 ; 印刷机用胶毯 ; 印刷橡皮布

impervious blanket防渗铺盖 ;[水利]不透水面层 ; 不透水垫层 ; 不透水

clay blanket[水利]粘土覆盖层 ; 粘土封层 ; 黏土覆盖 ; 粘土铺盖

saddle blanket马鞍座毯 ; 马鞍座毡 ; 鞍毡 ; 鞍鞯

baby blanket婴儿用毯 ; 婴儿毛毯 ;[轻]童毯 ; 婴儿毯子

acrylic blanket腈纶毯 ; 晴纶毯 ; 野餐毯子 ; 腈纶毛毯

blanket grouting铺盖灌装 ;[建]覆盖灌浆 ; 覆灌 ; 展盖灌装





























求美剧 老爸老妈浪漫史 第一季到第七季 和 老友记第一季到第十季的资源(都要高清中英双字幕版的)



提取码: xnpy


提取码: ujb8


提取码: n7gz


故事是关于主角泰德·莫斯比(Ted Mosby)在2030年时开始向他的孩子述说他如何与他们的妈妈相遇的过程。











获奖记录编辑 播报


Emmy Award: Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series

Emmy Award: Outstanding Cinematography for a Multi-Camera Series

People's Choice Award: Nominated for Favorite New Television Comedy





Emmy Award: Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series

Emmy Award: Nominated for Outstanding Multi-Camera Picture Editing for a Series

Emmy Award:Nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series (Neil Patrick Harris)

Teen Choice Award: Nominated for Choice TV Actor: Comedy (Neil Patrick Harris)






Emmy Award: Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series

Emmy Award: Nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series (Neil Patrick Harris)

People's Choice Award: Nominated for Favorite Scene Stealing Star (Neil Patrick Harris)

Teen Choice Award: Nominated for Choice TV Show: Comedy

Teen Choice Award: Nominated for Choice TV Actor: Comedy (Neil Patrick Harris)







Golden Globe: Nominated for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role (Neil Patrick Harris)

Emmy Award: Nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series

Emmy Award: Nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series (Neil Patrick Harris)

Emmy Award: Nominated for Outstanding Picture Editing for a Comedy Series

Emmy Award: Nominated for Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series







Golden Globe: Nominated for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role (Neil Patrick Harris)

Emmy Award:Nominated for Outstanding Suporting Actor in a Comedy Series (Neil Patrick Harris)

People Choince's Awards: Favorite TV Comedy Actress (Alyson Hannigan)

金球奖:喜剧类最佳男配角提名 (尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯)

艾美奖:喜剧类最佳男配角提名 (尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯)

人民选择奖:最喜爱电视喜剧类女演员 (艾丽森·汉尼根)


People Choice's Awards: Nominated for Favorite TV Comedy Actress (Alyson Hannigan)

People Choice's Awards: Nominated for Favorite TV Comedy

People Choice's Awards: Favorite TV Comedy Actor (Neil Patrick Harris)



人民选择奖:最喜爱电视喜剧类男演员 (尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯)


People Choice's Awards for Favorite Network TV Comedy

People Choice's Awards: Favorite TV Comedy Actor (Neil Patrick Harris)

People Choice's Awards: Favorite TV guest star (Katy Perry)



人民选择奖:最喜爱电视客串明星 (凯蒂·佩里)


导演卡特尔·贝斯Carter Bays)、克雷格·汤姆斯Craig Thomas)

编剧卡特尔·贝斯Carter Bays)、帕姆拉·佛雷曼Pamela Fryman)、罗波·格林贝各Rob Greenberg)、艾伦·黑斯累Eileen Heisler)、德拉·海伦DeAnn Heline)、克雷格·汤姆斯Craig Thomas)


Alexis Denisof(Lily扮演者现实生活中的丈夫) as (饰演)Sandy River(S1,S6,S7,S9)

Charlene Amoia as(饰演) Wendy the Waitress (2005-)

Bryan Callen as(饰演) Bilson (2006-)

Sarah Chalkeas(饰演) Stella Zinman (2008-2009) (S3,S4,S9)

Lyndsy Fonsecaas(饰演) Future Daughter (2005-)

David Henrieas(饰演) Future Son (2005-)

Marshall Manesh as(饰演) Ranjit (2005-)

Joe Nieves as(饰演) Carl the Bartender (2005-)

Ashley Williamsas (饰演)Victoria (2006) (S1,S7,S9)

Lucy Haleas(饰演)Katie(2007)(S2)

Emmitt Smithas(饰演)Emmitt Smith(himself)(2007)(S2)

Joe Manganiello(饰演)Brad(2007)(S2,S5)

Enrique Iglesias (饰演) kael (2008) (S3)

Wayne Brady as(饰演) James Stinson (2006,2010)(S2E10,S6E2,S7)

Britney spears(饰演)Abby (2008-) (S3E13,E19)

Heidi Klumas(饰演)herself(2008)(S3)

Miranda Kerras(饰演)herself(2008)(S3)

Alessandra Ambrosioas(饰演)herself(2008)(S3)

Adriana Limaas(饰演)herself(2008)(S3)

Marisa Milleras(饰演)herself(2008)(S3)

Selita Ebanksas(饰演)herself(2008)(S3)

Joanna Garcia as(饰演)Maggie (2009-) (S5E10)

Amanda Peetas (饰演) Jenkins (2009)(S5E13)

Carrie Underwoodas (饰演)Tiffany (2009-) (S5E16)

Jennifer Lopezas (饰演)Author(2009-) (S5E17)

Rachel bilsonas(饰演)Cindy(2010-)(S5E12,S6E1,S8E13,S9E16)

Jennifer Morrisonas(饰演)Zoey Pierson (2010-2011) (S6,S9)

Kyle MacLachlan as(饰演) Captain (2010-2011) (S6)

Nicole Scherzingeras(饰演)Jessica Glitter (2010-2011) (S6E9,S9)

Jorge Garcia as (饰演) The Blitz (S6E10,S9)

Katy Perryas Honey (2011-)(S6E15)

Nazanin Boniadi as(饰演)Nora (2011-) (S6,S7)

John Lithgow as Jerry,Barney's father (2011-) (S6E19,S6E21)

David Burtka(饰Barney演员现实生活中的同志丈夫) as Scooter(Lily剧中的高中男友)(S1E20 S2E21 S5E16 S6E09)(2005- )

Katie Holmes (阿汤嫂) as *荡的小南瓜(S7E08)

Becki Newton as Quinn (S07E16开始)

克里斯汀·米利欧缇 as The Mother (S08季末开始)



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